Kindness Project
Children participate in workshops that teach them how to be kind in order to reduce bullying. The book, "Ten Acts of Kindness," is customized with images of the children in superhero costumes to encourage them to perform acts of kindness at home, at school and in the community. Children record the text of the book, recite a kindness pledge, sing songs about friendship, group write stories about being kind, create posters with kindness slogans, screen print kindness slogans onto clothing, participate in a fashion show to showcase kindness clothing and are given awards for performing acts of kindness.
Check out our "10 Acts Of Kindness" book below:

Anti-Bullying project for children:
Children participate in workshops that teach them how to stand up for themselves to prevent bullying by becoming the characters in a book, Be A Superhero By Saying No To Bullying. The book is personalized with photos taken of participating children in superhero costumes. The children also write poems and learn songs sung to familiar tunes with anti-bullying messages.
Bullying Prevention/Entrepreneurial Project
Middle and high school youth participate in an anti-bullying program that fuses fashion, stage production, writing/publishing and entrepreneurship. Youth learn how to create, digitize and heat press anti-bullying/kindness messages onto store-bought tee shirts, jeans, and sweat pants; produce a fashion show to showcase thesir designs and learn how to operate a business to market and sell their clothing. The entrepreneurial workshops will include financial literacy, computer literacy skills, customer service training and field experiences through which they will purchase products in the wholesale district then re-price and sell them at tradeshows, through street vending, pop-up shops and online at websites such as Business licenses or vending licenses will be purchased for youth that complete the program. They will get ideas for their bullying/kindness messages by participating in workshops that will use the VICTIMPROOF anti-bullying curriculum. They will view motivational short films that will teach them how to break free from the victim mindset. They will write and publish short stories or poems about bullying.